

The CU 法律系的 Advising Center is here to help students and graduates with advising, 资源和社交机会. We’re here to help you determine if law school is right for you and, 如果是这样的话, 如何实现你的教育和职业目标.


参加一个 法学院论坛 to meet admission representatives, get more information about law school and ask questions.

作为一个法律预科专业预科的男女同校兄弟会, α δ is the preeminent group for aspiring law students at CU Boulder. Their collective goal is to be an active and diverse group in the professional, 学术和社会团体, 同时为法学院的学生做准备.



Official copies of your transcripts must be sent directly from the registrar’s office to either the law school or to LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service. Check with CU Boulder’s registrar or the registrar for any other school you attended, but you will generally be required to submit a transcript request form to the registrar’s office at each institution. For detailed information on how and where to send your transcripts, 博彩平台推荐LSAC的证书组装服务.


Each law school has different requirements for letters of recommendation. Some accept only two letters, and some accept as many as four. Some law schools limit recommendation letter writers to present or past professors while others may accept letters of recommendation from past or current employers. Some law schools impose length limits on their letters of recommendations, and others do not. Some law schools ask letter writers to address specific points (academic performance, personal knowledge of the applicant) while others do not.

Research your law schools of interest to find out what their requirements are. Make sure you share those requirements with your letter writers, and that they know when these letters are due and to whom they are due. Give the letter writers enough time to think about, write and polish your letters of recommendation. For detailed information on letters of recommendation, see LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service.


评估是准备好的报告, written and transmitted to the law schools you designate through LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service. Again, law schools have different policies on whether they require or even accept evaluations. Your evaluators can be the same individuals you ask for letters of recommendation or not, 这取决于每个法学院的要求.

LSAC’s service asks evaluators to rate candidates on 30 individual attributes and skills in six different categories. 这些包括智力技能, 个人品质, 正直诚实, 沟通能力, 任务管理和与他人合作的能力. For detailed information on the evaluation process, explore LSAC的凭据组装服务产品.


大多数法学院都要求学生提交个人陈述. These statements allow you to go beyond the objective aspects of the application, and share more about who you are and what is important to you. Schools will be seeking information about your background, 个人品质, leadership skills and motivation to learn what sets you apart from other candidates with similar GPAs and LSAT scores. Your goal will be to write a concise, detailed statement establishing yourself as an individual. 一个有趣的博彩app推荐你自己的个人讨论, 能显示你的个性和性格, 会帮助你在招生委员会面前表现得更生动吗.

Law schools will be looking for evidence that you can write a coherent statement. 遵循这些写论文的一般准则: 

  • 应该有引言和结论段落
  • 每一段都应该以主题句开始
  • There should be a clear line of development through the statement
  • 想法应该用具体的例子来支持

你的陈述应该严肃、诚实、真诚. 语气应该是自信和积极的. Any negative information (such as disciplinary or academic probation) you feel compelled to or are required to discuss should be addressed in other parts of the application or in an addendum. 使用简单的, 语言直接,依赖组织良好, 有趣的内容,留下积极的印象.

Proofread carefully—any typographical or grammatical errors will detract from the positive impression the statement might otherwise make. Do not use large words in an attempt to impress readers. 

Personal statements are typically two double-spaced pages, 尽管有些学校会给予更多的自由. 如果学校没有提供长度的指导, 提交一份大约两页长的陈述. A few schools will limit the number of words permitted and you should follow their guidelines.

安排一个时间来审查你的论文, please make an appointment with the pre-law academic advisor through Buff门户建议.

Some law schools require applicants to submit a Dean’s Statement of Good Standing as part of their application process. Research which, if any, of the law schools to which you are applying to requires these statements.

博彩平台推荐, dean’s letters can be requested through the pre-law academic advisor in 职业服务. Allow for 2-3 weeks for processing during peak application times. Please contact us at 303-492-3474 to request a form or if you have any questions.

Follow the schools’ directions for returning the dean’s letter or completed form. If you have the dean’s letter sent back to you to include with your other application materials, 信封不能打开.

与博彩平台推荐的团队建立联系 via office hours, express appointments and individual advising appointments.

CU Boulder 职业服务 provides numerous online tools to support you wherever you are in your journey — from mapping out career pathways to preparing for the job and internship interview process.

