Inscripta公司., a CU Boulder spinout company, is a global leader in automated, CRISPR-based gene editing.

CU Boulder commercialization drives $8 billion in impact nationwide

Activities led by Venture Partners at CU Boulder, the university’s commercialization arm, generated an economic impact of $8 billion nationally and $5.2 billion in the state of Colorado over the last five years

旗忠梁, a PhD candidate in JILA and the Department of Physics, demonstrates how the laser-based breathalyzer works, 在JILA的Ye实验室.

Sniffing out diseases in real time

Breathalyzer based on frequency comb spectroscopy quantum tech shows promise as a non-invasive diagnostic test for an array of diseases

Baby touching rain spotted window

Prenatal pollution exposure may impact baby’s brain

When pregnant moms breathe dirty air, it may adversely impact their baby’s brain, CU Boulder research suggests

Brian DeDecker in a soybean field at his family farm in Illinois.

‘Magic beans’ produce ingredients for vaccines, cancer treatments and more

CU Boulder’s International Genetically Engineered Machine team has developed a “magic soybean” that can churn out scarce pharmaceutical compounds while going easy on the environment

Dental aligner prototype

Charting a course from research to impact

研究ers building a budding life sciences startup leverage venture development programming to achieve a major funding milestone



New international network explores how odors lead to actions.

CU Boulder researchers

New CU Boulder COVID-19 test

更便宜的, faster test trades uncomfortable nose swab for spit-in-a-tube simplicity in effort to detect virus before it spreads

Professor Corrie Detweiler looking at bacteria

Kryptonite for superbugs?

With antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” infecting 2 million people per year, and a dearth of new medications in the pipeline to treat them, CU Boulder researchers are taking a novel approach to addressing the looming public health crisis.

Robert Garcea in the lab


New shelf-stable vaccines could bolster lifesaving immunization deliveries worldwide.


Could a dose of good bacteria prevent PTSD?

Mounting evidence shows healthy resident bacteria can play a pivotal role in supporting physical health.
