By Published: July 12, 2024

In newly published story collection The Rupture Files,博彩平台推荐的Nathan Alexander Moore探索了反乌托邦世界中的身份和社区

Nathan Alexander Moore 考虑的是世界末日,而不是如何在天启中生存或战胜它吗, necessarily, or even how to fix it, 而是当博彩平台推荐周围的世界崩溃时博彩平台推荐所做的决定.

“Who do you become?博彩平台推荐的助理教授摩尔问道 Department of Women and Gender Studies. “What choices do we make in this new world? How do we understand ourselves, and understand ourselves in community, 在一个即将结束或重新开始的世界的大背景下?

“For me, as someone who loves all things speculative fiction, 反乌托邦很有趣,因为这些世界变得反乌托邦是因为事件发生在谁身上. 在小说和现实生活中,最大的影响往往发生在被边缘化的人身上. Dystopia largely impacts people who are Black or Brown, in places that are underdeveloped and underfunded.”

Nathan Alexander Moore

Nathan Alexander Moore, 她是博彩平台推荐女性和性别研究系黑人跨性别和酷儿研究的助理教授, 在她新出版的反乌托邦故事集中探讨了身份问题 The Rupture Files.

From that end—or beginning—of the world was born The Rupture Files, Moore’s newly published story collection. 出版商哈贾尔出版社将其吹捧为“灾难裂缝中的超自然生命故事”,摩尔的故事实际上更深入到被毁灭的地球, 黑人、酷儿和跨性别角色探索自己是谁,以及他们可能成为谁.

“我非常清楚所有的历史和许多文化表征都塑造了黑人, and specifically Black queer people,” Moore explains. “我在博彩平台推荐的文化、电影、电视和文学作品中感受到了很多, 黑人角色和黑人酷儿角色要么成为模范,要么, on the opposite end, they’re kind of the worst of the worst, the villains, the despicable ones.

“对我来说,这是一个博彩app推荐一个微妙的人的故事. Some will see them as the hero, some as the villain, 但从本质上讲,他们是一个不断学习、成长和奋斗的人. I want to show them—to show us—as beautiful, nuanced, complex characters, and that whatever their experience is, it’s a real experience. 试图做到普适性会让博彩平台推荐失去有趣之处.”

Becoming a writer

Moore, who identifies as Black and trans, was a reader before she was a writer, 找到完成家庭作业的动力,这样她就可以打开一本安妮·赖斯的小说. 她最早写并与他人分享的故事之一叫做《博彩平台推荐》——“我用了大词,” Moore recalls, “我觉得我在高中的时候很可爱”——博彩app推荐一个在古埃及被转化的吸血鬼.

“吸血鬼在黄昏醒来,”她说,“我要去吃一些人,我饿了.’ Then she runs into a vampire hunter, 她第一次停止了杀戮,因为他的眼睛和她生前认识的人一模一样. She says, ‘I remember when I was human, I loved you. You broke my heart, “我爱你”,最后她做出了一个重大的选择,是生是死.”

摩尔在十六七岁时写了这首歌,并将它提交给了Facebook上的一个比赛,最终获得了第三名. “我非常清楚地记得,这是我写下并思考的第一个故事, ‘OK, I think I’m writing, I think I might be a writer.’然后当我获得第三名的时候,我想,‘哦,她在路上了!’ It also helped that I wrote that story when Twilight/True Blood/Vampire Diaries was of the moment, and I was reading all of those books.”

Through graduate school, 她专注于创意写作以及黑人文学和文化, 通过女权主义和集体记忆的镜头,深入探究投机小说. Her PhD, earned at the University of Texas at Austin, focused on contingency and Black temporal imaginations, 其中有一章题为“从灾难到大灾难:博彩app推荐人类世极限的黑色猜测” & the Temporality of Disasters.”

In fact, writing The Rupture Files wasn’t completely Moore's idea. An editor at Hajar Press saw a presentation she gave for Black Women Radicals 通过投机小说来写黑人地缘政治,并问摩尔自己是否也写投机小说.

As it happened, there were some people she’d been living with for a while…


‘The world we’re living in’

“The first story (in The Rupture Files) is called ‘Sequela,它讲述的是一个遥远的未来的反乌托邦世界,那里的世界大部分是海洋,一切都是短暂的,” Moore says. “(那个故事的)有些部分我写成了散文诗系列, and they had been kind of living in my head. With the other stories, 我有一些角色没有被完全认识到——我有一个快照, a photograph, they were peering over the fence and I was like, ‘Hmm, what are you doing?“在很长一段时间里,它们都是想象中的实验,而通过文字,它们变成了现实.”

The story “Sequela” is about a woman named Shalomar, 他住在这个新的海洋世界里的一系列站点之一——“我把这些站点想象成金属乌贼, though I never said it in the story, and they kind of hunker on land and then jump around,” Moore explains—and whose job is station archivist. Whatever the station pulls out of the ocean, 她的工作是分析它,思考它的历史价值. As a Black woman, 沙洛马一直试图记录大灾难前的黑人历史, 在那之后,她发现水想让她讲述一个不同的故事, as did the mermaids.

In a story called “Ashes for Your Beauty,摩尔讲述了一个女人在一个被炸毁的地方成为吸血鬼的配偶(也就是食物来源)的故事, post-nuclear world, who discovers that she has power, and she can make power. “So, she has to decide, “我要继续过这种非常可怕、可怕但稳定的生活吗?, or burn shit down?’” Moore says.

Writing the four stories in The Rupture Files 这与摩尔在获得硕士学位时写的小说手稿有什么不同.

“I was thinking about narrative arcs, about character development, who is the main person, whose perspective feels the most interesting,” Moore says. “我在平衡生活在一个全新的世界里的广博性,即使我不知道所有的规则,也要使它在简短的形式中可控. It was a steep learning curve but really fun.”

It also, she says, 让她更深入地思考当前的世界:“反乌托邦的有趣之处在于,它们被预测为遥远的未来, but any time someone’s writing a dystopia, they’re writing about the present—expanded and intensified, but the present. 反乌托邦写作实际上是在观察博彩平台推荐今天生活的世界.”

Top: Background dystopia image by Daniele Gay

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